From: colin abbott
To: sharon.thompson
Sent: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 11:01
Subject: Re: Kent Waste Sites Development Plan(Will I ger a reply?????????????
Dear Mrs.Thompson,
Thank you for your email. You will appreciate I am sure, when you say it is an opportunity for local people to influence decisions that, in the case of Sellindge, 96% of the village were against it and it counted for not one jot! I ask the question again. What will be new now???? Also I have received a letter from Damian Collins MP today, dated 13th.June, in which he says "I have asked that Kent County Council explains its decision properly to the people of Sellindge and that officers or councillors should come to the village to do so. I believe in your letter you said that you had not yet heard from him in this regard. Presumably you now have. I therefore look forward to hearing further from you on this matter.
Colin Abbott.
From: sharon.thompson
To: caroleandcolin4
Sent: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 8:41
Subject: RE: Kent Waste Sites Development Plan(Will I ger a reply?????????????)
Dear Mr Abbott Thank you for your email. The planning application for waste management development at Otterpool Quarry, Sellindge was determined in accordance with current planning policy and guidance Planning decisions aredetermined in accordance with the development plan. The views of local residents were considered as part of the decision making process, but were not overriding in this case. The consultation you refer to relates to the Council's new Minerals and Waste Development Framework and once adopted will set out the strategy and planning policy considerations that future mineral and waste planning applications will be considered against. This consultation is an important part of the plan makingprocess and provides an opportunity for local communities to influence development plan policies that will be used in deciding over the next 20 years. Kind regards Sharon
Sharon Thompson
Head of Planning Applications Planning and Environment,
Enterprise and EnvironmentKent County Council Invicta House, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent ME141XXInternal: x6052 External: 01622. 696052. Please consider the environment before printing this email
From: colin abbott
To: Planning Applications - EX EHW
Subject: Kent Waste Sites Development Plan
I see that K C C now have a Website calling for the views of the public in relation to the above and saying that their views will be taken in to account, i.e. The Big Society in action. Will you therefore tell me why at the Planning Meeting at County Hall on 15th.March the views of the 96%of the villagers who signed a petition against the Otterpool Quarry application WERE COMPLETELY DISREGARDED????????
I AWAIT YOUR REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C.Abbott (Resident of Sellindge)