From: Paul.Carter-LEADER <>
To: caroleandcolin4 <>
Sent: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:12
Subject: RE: Your letter dated 28th.July.
Dear Mr Abbott
Thank you for your email of 12th July 2011 in response to my reply to your earlier letter of 25th May 2011. Your latest correspondence raises further questions about the Otterpool Quarry Planning application and an earlier planning application at Hollingbourne. I respond to the concerns that you have raised below.
Otterpool Quarry I am aware that you and others have been in correspondence with the County Council on this case and are very disappointed that planning permission was granted. This was an unpopular planning decision locally but one where planning policy was strongly in support of the development for a waste management facility. Planning decisions have to be decided on their planning merits and not on the basis of a popularity vote. In this particular case, the Planning Applications Committee were fully aware of the strength of local objection and considered this against planning policy and technical consultee views such as the Environment Agency and the Highway Authority that had no technical objection to the development. The views of local residents were considered but were not overriding in this instance. Planning decisions are taken by the County Council's Planning Applications Committee which is a quasi-legal process and not one that I as Leader of the Council is directly involved in. I am satisfied that the decision was properly considered and I do not have any discretion in this matter. I advised Damian Collins MP of this when he wrote to me in April. I have also advised him that I do not therefore think it would be necessary for a representative to attend the village and explain the decision further. The planning decision cannot be reconsidered. There has been much detailed correspondence with officers and elected Members on the application both prior and post the decision. This included two site meetings and two public meetings where the planning application process was discussed and a large number of local residents attended the committee meeting. In addition, following the planning decision, representatives from the County Council including the Chairman of the Planning Applications Committee, the Head of Planning Applications and Susan Carey, the local Member met with representatives from the Sellindge and District Residents Association. I understand that all correspondence is posted on a local website thereby widening access to the material.
Hollingbourne Recycling I assume that you are referring to a planning application that was made in 2004 at Greenway Court. This application was not comparable with the Otterpool Quarry proposal for a number of reasons and was never tested through the planning process. The Hollingbourne proposal was for an open windrow composting facility, whereas the Sellindge application proposed an anaerobic digestion plant and a materials recycling facility to be carried out in 3 buildings. The Hollingbourne planning application was also unpopular and attracted strong objection including from myself. However the application was never considered by the Planning Applications Committee as the applicant withdrew the application. There as on for this as shown on the planning application file is due to a covenant on the land. I cannot speculate what the outcome would have been, had the application been determined.
Lorry Park I note the comments that you make.
I trust that the above responds to your concern. Yours sincerely,
Paul Carter Leader of Kent County Council Please help to save paper by NOT printing this email unless absolutely necessary.
From: colin abbott
Sent: 12 July 2011 15:13
To: Carter, Paul – LEADER
Subject: Your letter dated 28th.July.
Dear Mr.Carter,
I refer to your letter dated as above which I received on 7th.July.In my letter to you dated 25th.May I asked you to comment specifically on Damian Collins letter which I enclosed. You have not done this. In his letter Mr Collins stated that,in respect of Otterpool Quarry he had asked you to exercise any discretion you had in support of local peoples’ views. In the event all local feeling was completely ignored. Why have you not commented on this? He also asked that you send representatives of KCC to the village to explain the decision. Again you have made no comment on this. When will you be arranging for someone, preferably yourself,to come? I also asked you to comment on the Hollingbourne Recycling application of a few years ago when all the objections you put forward to keep this away from your doorstep were equally valid to the Otterpool application which you supported. Can you please explain why. With regard to the Lorry Park proposal please do not have the sheer effrontery to ever inflict this on the vicinity of Sellindge. What about siting it near Maidstone or somewhere nearer your locality. I look forward to a more detailed response.
C.Abbott Sellindge resident