From: fred turton []
Sent: 29 September 2011 19:29
To: Dave Motley o2
Subject: Weeds around Sellindge
I sent the photographs (see below) of the pavements in Sellindge to Shepway Council. I got a phone call from the Manager of the Environmental Services and a visit from their supervisor who deals with the problems. They both assured me that the pavements will be cleaned up and also asked if there were any other problems. I shall contact the Village News and ask them to print the details that have been given to me so that if anybody has a problem the relevant people can be contacted. The supervisor is Steve West and can be located on 01303 248298 or by email
Fred Turton
From: fred turton []
Sent: 20 September 2011 18:58
To: dave
Subject: pavements
(see photos below)
When I wrote to Shepway I pointed out that the pavements were a disgrace. I mentioned that I pay £1800 a year for my house tax and all that I receive in return is street lighting and refuse collection. I mentioned that the Parish Council should notify them on this issue but I believe that when they submit anything of this nature it is ignored. We are supposed to live in a democracy but from our experience this is a joke. We have the Prime Minister saying that we should bring democracy to countries like Iraq and Libya. Its a pity that he doesn't listen to us. Democracy is more than putting a cross on a ballot sheet.
Fred Turton