From: Mavis Turton <> Subject: Re: Attachment to Defra Email To: " Anthony (SEG)Griffiths" <> Date: Thursday, 26 May, 2011, 15:11
Subject: Response to your Query : - Ref:DWOE000231045 - Response to your Follow-up Email Dear Mrs Turton,To: Date: Wednesday, 25 May, 2011, 17:36 Thank you for your follow-up email of 10 May about the proposed Recycling Facility and Anaerobic Digestion Plant at Otterpool Quarry, Sellinge, Ashford, Kent. We are very aware of the concerns amongst the local community. Over the past year, the Environment Agency (EA) has spoken and met with the Sellinge Residents Association, Kent County Council (KCC) and Countrystyle Waste Management Limited in connection with the planning application. As a statutory consultee, the EA worked closely with KCC, who determined the planning application. At the request of KCC, the EA reviewed technical evidence on potential environmental impacts submitted from both Countrystyle (the applicant) and the Sellinge Residents Association. KCC granted planning permission on 28/03/11, with the proviso that a number of planning conditions will have to be met by the operator. All the conditions requested by the EA to safeguard the environment were included, which covered remediation of potential land contamination, surface water management and flood risk. More information on the planning decision can be found in the attached PDF document. The EA has not received an application for an Environmental Permit. Countrystyle Waste Management Limited fully understands that it needs an Environmental Permit before any operational activity can begin at Otterpool Quarry. The EA fully reviews an Environmental Permit application and does not issue a permit unless the proposed activity provides adequate protection for the environment and people's health. The application requires in depth detail of the infrastructure, the activity and its management systems. On receipt of a Permit application, the EA carries out a public consultation. Its Public Participation statement can be found at: The EA remains committed to be open and transparent with any decisions it makes throughout the permit consultation process. I hope you find this information helps to address your concerns. Yours sincerely, Anthony Griffiths Customer Contact Unit Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) This email and any attachments is intended for the named recipient only. If you have received it in error you have no authority to use, disclose, store or copy any of its contents and you should destroy it and inform the sender. Whilst this email and associated attachments will have been checked<br>for known viruses whilst within Defra systems we can accept no responsibility once it has left our systems. Communications on Defra's computer systems may be monitored and/or recorded to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. |