From: system <>
Subject: General-Enquiry
To: "" <>
Date: Tuesday, 24 April, 2012, 18:51
to : planning
subject : General-Enquiry
Feedback or comments : Dear Planning Department, I understand that a planning application for the development of a row of three terraced houses, and the alteration of an existing house into two dwellings, sited at 1 Swan Green, Sellindge TN25 6HB has been applied for. My reason for writing to you is that I would hope you would have visited this site before passing any such application. The existing house is on the corner of the busy A20, at the junction between Downs Way and Swan Lane. I feel that this would add to the already dangerous traffic at this corner, because the Downs Way junction is quite narrow, and already, traffic turning into Swan Lane from the A20 finds itself suddenly at the T junction here. Also traffic leaving Downs Way has some difficulty getting into Swan Lane, especially when turning right, has to account for vehicles swinging round the corner from the A20. Any further buildings would of course require a drive, and I cannot see any place for these that in some way would not contribute to further problems. Could you please tell me if a delegation of the planning committee has visited the site? Also, has any consideration been given to the disruption the building work would cause those already living in the vicinity? Thank you, Mavis Turton