KCC have confirmed the hearing of the Countryside's Otterpool Anaerobic Waste plant Application will be first on the Agenda at the planning meeting on Tuesday 15th March for consideration.
Please remember that County Councillor Susan Carey says such demonstrations do have a big effect so please make a huge effort to be there. Coaches have been re-booked for Tuesday 15th March to take protesters to County Hall Maidstone. People will need to be at the Village hall by 8.20 am, leaving on the dot at 8.30 am. The early departure is necessary due to the hearing starting at 10 am, the time it takes to get to Maidstone (including rush hour and being market day) and needing to present our Petition and be settled in place before the hearing. If you would like to join us on the coach then we are just asking for a £5 donation to the Residents’ Association.
If you have not already done so, please contact Margaret Ludlow via telephone (01303) 813 369.