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Friday, 30 September 2016


Dear Residents,

Amazingly, over £10,000 has been raised to fight off Highways England plan to obliterate our communities. Here is the message from Debbie Burton from SOS Kent:

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Again, we say huge THANKS for your overwhelming support and contributions towards the legal funds to fight the monstrous lorry park.

Many intelligent people and organisations such as CPRE, Eurotunnel, The Port of Dover, BIFFA agree that a giant lorry park won't fix stack. Even the Transport Select Committee criticised the scheme. However, despite Highways England misleading everyone about the true size of the proposed site which will DESTROY 250 ACRES of prime farmland and countryside, the government is hell bent on pushing it ahead regardless. The final consultation ended 26 September and they intend to proceed without a full Environmental Impact Assessment and usual requirements of a statutory consultation, which could set a precedent and have future implications throughout England.

This is plain wrong and we believe unlawful. So we intend to challenge this in the courts and mount a judicial review on the grounds described on our web page

To pursue a JR the Parish Council needs to raise in the region of £35,000, made up of:

£5,000 – Initial cost of preparing and submitting a JR
£20,000 – Court process etc. if JR granted
£10,000 – Potential costs warded to HE if we lost our JR

The needed is £5,000 to prepare a JR and see if it will be granted by the Courts.

Our amazing supporters have helped us raise over £10,000, but we need to keep the funds coming in.To contribute to the Parish Council's bid for a JR you can make payments direct to our bank account:

Nat West Bank
Sort Code: 52-41-42
A/C No: 59193794

Or by cheque payable to, "Stanford Parish Council" to:
Mrs Dorothy Bultitude (Clerk)
Tudor Cottage, Stanford North, Kent, TN25 6DH

Donations can be anonymous or named. Please use the ref "Lorry Park JR". Any funds remaining at the end of our campaign will be returned pro rata to donors who state this at the time of donation otherwise they will be used for the good of the Parish. A breakdown of donations received and their use will be included in the Parish Accounts.

Since the unprecedented events last summer, STACK HAS NOT BEEN IN FORCE ONCE. This is partly due to the responses of Eurotunnel and Port of Dover in providing hundreds more lorry spaces and increased cross Channel capacity, plus additional security and fencing in Calais to stop migrant incursion.

The smarter options than a single giant lorry park include upgrading the A2/M2, provision of smaller lorry parks across the UK, use of smart technology and investing in freight on rail.

Here is our message to those we elected to represent us, yet have failed us:
- We will not stand quietly by while you dictate to us.
- We will not stand by while you rape our environment, leaving a mess for our children to sort out.
- We will continue to fight to save The Garden of England for future generations.

We need support more now than ever, so please like, share and click 'ADD MEMBER' to join any fb friends who may be interested in our campaign. (Anyone can easily leave this group - hover over the 'joined' tab and click 'leave group'.)

Meanwhile you can email these key decision influencers for starters:
Theresa May,
Phillip Hammond,
Chris Grayling,
Andrea Leadsom,;
Amber Rudd,
Sajid Javid,

We will be posting regular updates here and on our website:


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Tuesday, 27 September 2016


Dear Residents,

In a very short space of time, Stanford Parish Council has raised almost £5,000 thanks to the generosity of local, and not so local residents. Matthew Webbs' message is set out below:


I thought you'd all like to know that we have already raised nearly £5,000 towards our Judicial Review against the Op Stack lorry park. 

This is a great start and I urge all of you who have been thinking of donating but haven't yet to please get on line and do so now (details below) 


To pursue a JR the Parish Council needs to raise in the region of £35,000 

To contribute to the Parish Council's bid for a JR you can make payments direct to our bank account: 

Nat West Bank 
Sort Code: 52-41-42 
A/C No: 59193794 

Or by cheque payable to, "Stanford Parish Council" to, 

Mrs Dorothy Bultitude (Clerk) 
Tudor Cottage 
Stanford North 
TN25 6DH 

Donations can be anonymous or named. Please us the ref "Lorry Park JR". Any funds remaining at the end of our campaign will be returned pro rata to donors who state this at the time of donation otherwise they will be used for the good of the Parish. A breakdown of donations received and their use will be included in the Parish Accounts.

A huge thank you to all of those who have already contributed.

Sunday, 25 September 2016


Dear Residents,

A message from Matthew Webb, Chairman of Stanford Parish Council:

Following a meeting with our lawyers on 19 September Stanford Parish Council believes we have reasonable grounds to mount a Judicial Review (JR) against HE's proposed Operation Stack Lorry Park in Stanford.

The grounds for the JR are as follows:

       1.      The project should have been classified as EIA development.  This places a duty on the Secretary of State to consider all the environmental effects before making his decision.  HE have failed to undertake a full and proper assessment of the likely significant environmental effects of the Project, which would normally take the form of an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment Report).  Instead HE have produced an Environmental Impact Analysis, which is incomplete, has errors and is non-statutory.  In addition HE have not yet finalised the Project and, therefore, any decision to proceed would be premature as the environmental effects cannot be quantified.
If the project was classified as EIA development as a result of a JR HE would have to complete a full EIA and correct all the errors in their current documents.
2.      The project should be classed as an alteration / improvement to an existing special highway, which makes it a nationally significant infrastructure and therefore be subject to a Development Consent Order (DCO) with attendant red tape.
If the project is deemed to be subject to a DCO by a JR then it would be likely to impose a minimum of 12 months of delay on the project.
Neither of these challenges provides a "silver bullet" to stop the lorry park.  However, if successful they could result in a delay of up to 2 years (including the JR process itself).  In that time the political / economic landscape can alter significantly and support / funding for the lorry park may disappear particularly if we continue to see a very low frequency of Operation Stack.

To pursue a JR the Parish Council needs to raise in the region of £35,000, made up of:

£5,000   – Initial cost of preparing and submitting a JR
£20,000 – Court process etc. if JR granted
£10,000 -  Potential costs warded to HE if we lost our JR

The minimum we need is £5,000 to prepare a JR and see if it will be granted by the Courts.

To contribute to the Parish Council's bid for a JR you can make payments direct to our bank account:

Nat West Bank                                                                  Mrs Dorothy Bultitude (Clerk)
Sort Code:   52-41-42          Or by cheque, payable to,            Tudor Cottage
A/C No:  59193794          "Stanford Parish Council" to           Stanford North
                                                                                                  TN25 6DH

Donations can be anonymous or named. Please us the ref "Lorry Park JR".  Any funds remaining at the end of our campaign will be returned pro rata to donors who state this at the time of donation otherwise they will be used for the good of the Parish.  A breakdown of donations received and their use will be included in the Parish Accounts.  

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Best regards

Matthew Webb
Stanford Parish Council

Saturday, 17 September 2016


A massive THANK YOU goes out to Sharon and Martin Hayles, Debbie Burton and all the team at SOS Kent for staging a truly fantastic evening at The Drum Inn, Stanford last night.

Emilee Boyce. Singer and Songwriter, together with Simon Eyre, Guitarist, performed all evening to a packed pub of over a 100 people. Performing their original work and covers from the likes of Eva Cassidy, Al Green, Rolling Stones, Bob Marley and Dire Straits, there was something for everyone. Not forgetting 'Big yellow Taxi', our campaign theme, it really was an eclectic mix. 

With well over £400 easily raised on the night, this is just the start of more events to come. With a single theme in mind, there can be no doubt that the Band of Brothers in and around Stanford is growing. Thank you Emilee and Simon for a most entertaining evening. -  Our fight has just begun.


Thursday, 15 September 2016


Dear Residents,

We are still receiving dozens of emails from concerned, angry and frustrated residents concerning the Highways England Consultations . We are posting another on our site to let you all know that you aren't alone in the fear that we all have of having 250 acres of perfectly good farm land stolen from us to build the disastrous DAMIAN COLLINS LORRY PARK. 


This is what our resident has to say:

I visited the last Ashford presentation by Highways England, (as the ill advised government response in dealing with Operation Stack). The £250m Lorry Park currently proposed at Stanford North will accommodate 3,100 lorries in rare emergency situations. Additional 24/7 parking is also proposed with a permanent, fee-paying 500 lorry, "Overnight-stop facility", planned to cope with the current "Anti-social Lorry parking problems".

Approximately 20 HE staff were in attendance, politely and very cautiously offering answers and advice. Interestingly, it was apparent that none of the staff involved, lived in the area, or indeed had first hand knowledge of the reality of Operation Stack. It soon became obvious to members of the public, as well as commercial freight drivers present, that this proposal was totally flawed and an unacceptable waste of tax payers money. (Similarly experienced in recent years, by the un-required and expensive Ramsgate Ferry tunnel). With plans already in discussion for a second Thames crossing, traffic flow could also increase onto the M2 and very little was said about Manston airport, and its upgraded road infrastructure.

In our discussion group, I proposed that the whole country should be 'networked' county by county, thereby sharing the responsibility of this national burden, in planning smaller individual regional parking facilities. Developing technologies already offer the opportunity to rapidly communicate with freight drivers, whose GPS locations are tracked by HE cameras networked throughout the UK. Commercial drivers have travel bookings monitored and thereby could be sent advanced information about delays and Channel crossings. This new proposal would thereby prevent a bottleneck situation developing, similar to any "battle or riot" situation, by breaking down the potential problem into smaller and more manageable convoys, (sadly, already experienced in past disaster scenarios).

The management of such an enormous freight park itself, with all its own very questionable logistics, raised even more potential hazards and additional chaos. Security fencing, lighting, washing and toilet facilities as well as catering, fuel and staffing/policing. All to be funded by whom? Brexit, itself, will even raise more skeletons and demons of Customs and Excise and Migration, not to mention that, once built and established, what next? What also, becomes of the poor frustrated and blighted residents, tourists and coaches, all innocently caught up in such rare events, often caused by illegal French militant activities? Some European rogue drivers, are already using illegal methods of dodging cameras and law enforcement. Why then, should Kent be saddled by this unworkable and financially wasteful 'knee-jerk' reaction, in using a sledge hammer to crack a Kent cob-nut?

Please, please, become pro-active and make your views heard, support the SOS Kent. Email, write, protest, but don't allow this unacceptable development in your beloved county of Kent. We were once proudly known as the "Garden and Gateway to England", possibly your families gave their lives. What will you do?


Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Dear Residents,

Don't forget to come along to the Drum, Stanford at 7.30pm on Friday 16th September - Emilee and Simon playing a benefit gig for our community.


Monday, 12 September 2016

Dear Residents,

This will take a little time to read, but please do read it. S&DRA's view is that someone should accept responsibility when this ill thought-out scheme gridlocks our highways in and around our villages, should the monstrous lorry park ever be built.  
We think one of those people should be Damian Collins. What do you think?


Damian's Big Lorry Park: Part 2 – Why it won't work

In last week's blog (Here) we looked at how it came to be that the Government are considering spending £250m of Taxpayer money on a 250 acre Lorry Park, and, astoundingly, have the full backing of the local MP, Damian Collins. Despite the fact the Park clearly won't solve the problem of Operation Stack. Today we'll look at that in more detail.

Operation stack is a flow rate problem. It occurs when the flow rate of  HGV traffic out of the Port of Dover and Eurotunnel falls below the flow rate of HGV traffic into the county of Kent.

There are three basic ways you can try and solve that kind of problem:

  1. Improve the flow rate out. – Make sure the Tunnel and Port stay open as reliably as possible with as much capacity as possible.
  2. Reduce the flow rate in – In the long run, this would be things like increased use of rail freight, or reducing dependency on the Port of Dover and Tunnel for continential HGV freight.  In the short term, when there is a crisis, it means finding a way to stop vast numbers of HGVs piling into Kent when there is no way for them to get out. (There are many possible ways this could be done – using phone apps with GPS for lorry drivers to advise them when it is ok to proceed into Kent for example – none has been significantly explored as a solution to this problem)
  3. Do neither of the above and when there is a crisis of the flow in being greater than the flow out – put the excess Lorries somewhere. Operation Stack is this kind of solution. The new Lorry Park is also this kind of solution.

There are many reasons why (3) is a poor option: Operation Stack blocks up the M20, but actually, simply moving those lorries into a massive lorry park, while itmight help with that particular aspect of the problem, doesn't really solve the problem in the broader sense. For example, many Lorries through Dover carry perishable goods with short life spans. Their loads become worthless if they sit in a lorry park for hours.

The biggest issue of all however, is that the Lorry Park won't even solve the M20 Operation Stack problem. Here's why in a nutshell:

The vast lorry park (which will sit dormant for 360+ days a year) will take hours to open up in the event of a crisis. By the time it is open, a queue will develop on the M20 waiting to get into it stretching back miles and acting exactly as Operation Stack does now. When it does open, the rate at which lorries can reasonably be expected to enter the park will be not significantly faster than the rate at which lorries will continue to add to the back of the "Operation Stack" type queue on the motorway. The result is the queue may never clear before the Lorry park reaches capacity or the problem causing Operation Stack resolves. Note, the size of the park is not the problem here. The problem is the flow rate in and out of the park, which will actually get worse the bigger the park gets.

To look at this in a little more detail:

A "Worked Example" of Why the Lorry Park Won't Solve Operation Stack

The first point to note is that the park cannot be instantly available when needed. It will sit idle for months or years, and then be called into action at short notice. This will be no small task. Highways England say it will be ready in "A few hours". At the most favorable interpretation this presumably means at least 3 hours, but could be more.

In the interim period, between a crisis starting and the park becoming available lorries will park in the M20 in traditional Operation Stack style, until the Park opens.

Around 6000 Lorries a day use the Port of Dover and Eurotunnel. That is an averageof 250 hour, but the peak flow can be over 1000 lorries an hour.

By its very nature, Operation Stack scenarios happen when there is high demand, i.e. at peak flow. We can therefore assume that if the park takes just 3 hours to get open, there may already be 1000 lorries waiting in a queue to get into the lorry park by the time it opens for business, even assuming that there is still some operating capacity through the port and tunnel. If this were a "total shutdown" scenario (such as if both Port and Tunnel were completely closed due to a terrorist alert) then three hours could see a backlog of maybe up to 2,500 Lorries in a worst case scenario.

The Lorry park will hold 3600 lorries. However, the flow rate into the park is a maximum of 800 lorries an hour according to Highway's England.

The lorries can only come off the motorway in a two by two queue. They will then go through an area much like a toll plaza on a toll road with up to about  9 or 10 lorries going through gates in parallel. Here the large size of the park will actually slow admission. Each lorry must be processed for its details, its dimensions, and destination and then marshaled to an appropriate space within the park. Highway's England say this will take 40 seconds per Lorry. This would be only around 90 Lorries an hour, but because they are processing 9 or 10 lorries at a time, they reckon they can hit 800 lorries an hour.

There is much we could say about this, but for the moment let's pretend we believe Highways England that this massive piece of infrastructure, having sat idle for months or years ,can, at 3 hours notice, immediately start processing lorries at 800 per hour.

So, we have a queue of, lets say,  1000 lorries, which starts clearing at 800 hour. Except, it won't clear that fast, because Lorries will still be arriving onto the back of the queue. Let's say peak time has passed and lorries are now only arriving at half of the peak flow…lets say 500 lorries an hour for an hour and then dropping right back to just 250 lorries an hour.

This means 300 lorries would be cleared in the first hour and 550 lorries in hours after that.

So, two hours after the park opens, five hours after the instigation of the crisis, there are still 150 lorries sat in the queue on the M20 and Operation Stack would still not be lifted.

i.e. Operation stack phase 2 would most likely be in action for most of a working day even assuming perfect function of the Lorry Park.

Short Stack or Long Stack? Does the Lorry Park help either way?

There are two basic kinds of Stack: Short term and Long term. A short term crisis is far more common and normally leads to the instigation of stack for only a few hours, before things return to normal. It should be abundantly clear from the worked example above that in a short term scenario a massive lorry park is cumbersome and unwieldy and will simply not help the situation.The problem will resolve before the Park gets up to speed. After 5 hours, the point at which the Park actually starts "earning its keep" in the above scenario, the crisis that caused Stack may already be dissipating.

The second kind of stack is the longer term kind. The kind that plagued the summer of 2015. Scenarios which reduce capacity for days or weeks. Again, it should be abundantly clear that the Lorry Park will not help with this from the operation stack point of view. Once the Lorry Park reaches capacity (Which in an extended stack scenario it almost certainly will do..particularly with the increase in traffic predicted over the next decade) Operation Stack will have to come into play. You cannot endlessly increase the capacity of the park, and, as previously stated, the bigger the park, the more tricky its operation, the longer it will take to get up and running and the slower the flow rates in and out of it…which negate any benefits.

It should also be noted that, in the case of a longer term stack scenario, surely the correct response is to stop the lorries coming into Kent in the first place? It may be arguable that in a short term crisis this can't be done (I think it could), but in a crisis going on for days or weeks, it must surely be possible to stop the problem at source and not allow the catastrophic build up of lorries to occur at all?

Stack Aftermath: The Lorry Park Protracts The Crisis

The problems get even worse at the end of an Operation Stack Scenario. Highways England say they can get a maximum rate of 800 lorries an hour into the lorry park. They have, however, no clear answers on how fast they can get them out.

And there is an obvious reason for that: It could well be absolute chaos. As one Highway's England representative told me, they may need to have operatives running around the park, banging on drivers doors to wake them up and get them moving if they have been sat for a long period of time. The marshaling system, designed to marshal 3600 lorries correctly to either Port or Tunnel in the same order they came in, will be an extremely difficult thing to make work swiftly and smoothly.

And this is a problem for everyone, not just the Lorry drivers, because the plan is that any excess lorries on the motorway will have to be processed through the park. Therefore, the rate determining step for controlling how fast Operation Stack can be lifted will now be the traffic bottleneck at the exit of the park. This is certain to be significantly slower than the current clearance rate of operation stack, where Lorries simply drive off in turn down the motorway.

It is inconceivable that clearing 3600 lorries from the Lorry Park will be anywhere near as smooth, and the last lorry in Operation Stack will not be cleared until the last lorry leaves the lorry park.

£250m is about to be spent on something which may actually not just fail to solve the problem but make it worse.

And What if it All Goes Wrong?

Thus far we have assumed the following: A) That the Park opens within 3 hours B) That it immediately functions perfectly at a maximum design entry speed of 800 lorries an hour C) That there is still some flow through Port of Dover and Eurotunnel and D) Based on traffic figures for 2016, not what they are projected to be in 10 or 20 years.

In other words, the disaster listed above is a best case scenario.

Can the Park really be opened in 3 hours? Highways England won't even say how long it will take, except that it will take "A few hours". 3 hours is merely a most generous guess. It could be six, it could be ten hours. If it's at the longer end of the scale then, first, the crisis may well pass before the park becomes operational and second, the amount of backlog on the M20 before it opens will be so great that for the reasons of flow rate previously discussed, the situation will be unrecoverable until the crisis resolves.

The park will be mothballed for months or years. Then, at short notice, it is supposed to spring into action, presumably staffed by people who may be unfamiliar with the procedures. Virtually no major piece of infrastructure functions perfectly on its opening day. For most things, this doesn't matter too much, but for this Lorry Park it is crucial; if it doesn't work right first time, it's not going to work at all. And it might be another 2 years before it's next used, by which time there may be a new problem to iron out.

If the processing rate into the park is significantly below that target of 800 lorries per hour, the park will be a catastrophic failure.

There are certain highly foreseeable scenarios where the Park will take longer to open: Snow in winter for example. Clearing 250 acres of snow from the park to make it usable is going to be thousands of tonnes of snow, even for a light snowfall. A precise scenario where the park might be required for a short time at short notice is precisely a scenario where the park will be useless.

Junction 11 – The Final Nail In the Coffin

If residents of East Kent are in any doubt about whether the Park is beneficial, there is a final point to make: Currently, Junction 11 of the M20 is still operable during Operation Stack, but Highways England say it will have to be closed while the Park is in Operation. This will cut off the entry point to the M20 for Numerous East Kent Villages, Hythe, and the most direct access to the M20  to Canterbury. The Lorry Park will create a road access scenario which is unequivocally worse for residents of the Folkestone and Hythe area.

So why is the Local MP, who is surely fully apprised of the facts, so supportive of the Lorry Park Plan? There are many theories, which we will cover in the next post, for now the summary point is this:

The Government seems determined to waste vast amounts taxpayers' money, damaging local village communities, and at significant  environmental cost, on a project which demonstrably cannot deliver what it is supposed to – and may, in fact, make the problem worse.



Dear Residents,

A message from our friends and coalition partners in Hythe. We know, at the moment, our efforts are being directed to fighting off the Lorry Park, but if you can show a little support for our friends in Hythe in their fight against Shepway District Council it would be greatly appreciated.


Dear Friends of Princes Parade,

Sorry to fill up your in-box but as I mentioned in my last email events are going to get more intense during the autumn.

The first item to note is that Shepway's cabinet will be approving the arrangements for the next stage of the local plan consultation at their meeting next Wednesday, 14th September

At this stage you don't need to do anything for the meeting itself, but as Prince's Parade is included in the "Preferred Options" as a development site you might want to take part in the consultation which is due to open on Sept 30th.

This is a democratic process and there is nothing Shepway can do to avoid it!

I will contact you again shortly after that date with instructions on how to take part in the consultation and ideas and guidance on the sort of comments you might like to submit. The consultation will be open for 6 weeks.

There is more information on the Save Prince's Parade website including a link to the draft Preferred Options document:

If Prince's Parade is allocated as a development site in the final version of the Local Plan then that would effectively mean that the principle of development on the site had been agreed and any planning application submitted at that stage would just be a formality, this is why the Local Plan Consultation is so important.  

Shepway, however are already working on a planning application ahead of the Local Plan,  and at their next meeting on 19th October (5pm at the Civic Centre in Folkestone) cabinet will be discussing the nature and detail of the application which they are proposing for the development of 150 dwellings and a leisure centre on Prince's Parade, to submit to themselves in November.

My personal view is that governing through Cabinet is an un-democratic process and Shepway will do everything they can to keep it that way!

We won't know exactly what they will be discussing until the papers are released a week before the meeting but it would be very helpful if as many people as possible to join me and the other supporters in the public gallery to prove that it is not just a small minority of people who object to development on the site. The 19th October meeting is very important so please put the date in your diary.

If you want to make your views known to the Shepway Cabinet members there is a list of their emails on the SDC website.

I look forward to seeing you at our photo exhbition in Seabrook Hall on 1 October 2-4pm when I will be happy to try to explain these two processes in more detail.

My view is that, although we can make a lot of noise about Shepway's decision to spend £700,000 of local people's money in arriving at a planning application, there is little we can do about it, if they are as determined as they appear to ignore the views of the people they represent. Where we might be able to stop them in their tracks is through the Local Plan Consultation.

Thank you for signing the petition 'No Development on Prince's Parade'. Can you help spread the word by forwarding the link below to your friends?


Jim Martin

Sunday, 11 September 2016


Dear Residents,
A fund raising event, to fight against the monstrous Lorry park is being staged at The Drum Inn this coming Friday. Details are set out below. All are welcome from ALL villages. 


Don't forget to join Emilee and Simon as they play a benefit gig for our campaign. Come and support them as they too are supporting our plight.
FRIDAY 16th Sept 7.30pm THE DRUM, Stanford
We will be taking (non-compulsory) entrance fee donations on the night, give what you can and come and enjoy a community evening with your friends and neighbours.
Fri 19:30 · Stanford.

Saturday, 10 September 2016


Dear Residents,

Why do we do it? Why, Oh why do we do it. Our elders have advised against it, our doctors have advised against it, yet we still go along to the Highways England Consultations to listen to the endless spew of meaningless drivel that HE experts embarrassingly describe as an answer to our questions. If it wasn't for the fact that this proposal would be a 'life changer' for local residents it would be funny. But it isn't.

On visiting the Lympne Village Hall today, we heard that the fire hydrant system serving the proposed Lorry park would be a combination of potable water being used to fill a bowser to extinguish a lorry fire. My mind quickly flashed back to a Dads Army scene with Godfrey fumbling to fill a tanker whilst the fire raged on. I struggled to comprehend what Pablo (the HE expert) was telling me. For the sake of my health, I had to walk away. 

So please take a little time to escape and read just one page from Bill Brysons' The Road to Little Dribbling. It reduces the pulse rate, restores a little to your soul and confirms to us all just why we are fighting so hard to preserve what we have left in this corner of Kent. Bless you all for your hard work.


This is where England gets really old. The Ridgeway has been a thoroughfare for at least ten thousand years. For a long time, nobody could say just how old the White Horse is, but now with a procedure of optical stimulated luminescence it is known that it has been there, galloping across its hillside, for three thousand years. So it is older than England, older than the English language. For all those centuries it has been continuously maintained. If people didn't climb up the hill and tend it, grass would grow over the chalk and the White Horse would disappear. The White Horse is a magnificent creation but its preservation and continuous maintenance over three thousand years is perhaps more magnificent still.  

You can't actually see the horse from the Ridgeway. You have to go partway down the hill to see it at all, and even then you can't tell what it is because of its immense size. But if you can't see the horse from White Horse Hill, you can see the countryside for miles around and that is awfully fine, too. I have said it many times before, but it really can't be stated too often; there isn't a landscape in the world that is more artfully worked, more lovely to behold, more comfortable to be in, than the countryside of Great Britain. It is the world's largest park, its most perfect accidental garden. I think it may be the British nation's most glorious achievement.
All we have to do is look after it. I hope that's not too much to ask.

Thursday, 8 September 2016


Dear Residents,

Another email, from many, that we have selected to post on our site from a resident of Barrow Hill. This illustrates how local residents have been let down by our 'so called' representatives all the way down the line.  As our writer says;  'What are they for?'.


I am not offering anything new, in fact, I am returning to the issue of the massive increase in traffic, particularly heavy lorry traffic that thunders through Sellindge and Barrowhill, day and night, shaking houses to their foundations.

Having contacted elected reps at Shepway, KCC and Parliament I am truly amazed at the lack of responses in our local parish newsletter.  Naturally I have also contacted them on the issue of the lorry park and the garden town, as they will totally destroy the rural nature of the area, good farmland and the environment.  Replies confirm that they could not give a toss.   But then they do not care and do nothing about the impact of the increase of heavy traffic on peoples' lives.

What are they for?



Barrow Hill Resident. (Name and address withheld by S&DRA)


Sunday, 4 September 2016


Dear Residents,

After many conversations with parishioners, one local resident has put pen to paper to sum up the sentiment of all. - Thank you Sir.


Having read the last two articles on the S&DRA website, I am relieved that my own experience of the Highways fiasco was not just a bad dream.

As a local resident of Sellindge I asked a representative the obvious questions about Operation Stack not having been held for a year and how could they justify such a scheme with public money?  The answer was a diatribe of nonsense about his own experience of  being stuck on the M20 twice last year.  I stated  again that Operation Stack had not been put in place for a year now.  The same answer from an obviously prepared script... I raised my voice and stated this fact once again, at which point someone approached and said he was "for" the scheme and that he was local.  I asked him where he lived and he avoided the question.  An obvious plant. He later disappeared to infiltrate other arguments against this monstrosity.  This, I believe was a shameful attempt, by someone, to distort the outcome of the, so called, consultation!


Whilst on the subject, having put my views to certain members of  Sellindge Parish Council, I am surprised and concerned that they are not forthcoming with their official standing on both the Lorry Park and the New Town proposals, stating that many people were in favour of the schemes  The evasive reply to my questions would indicate that they are supportive of both schemes.  As our local elected representatives this is rather alarming.


Just who, of all our representatives - Parish, District and County, have been seen to speak on behalf of their people?  If they have -  it was not loud enough!  Local people feel  that they are being treated with contempt.

 A Sellindge resident.




He may as well. because all the 'so called' experts hosting the latest round of 'consultations' seem to be as hapless as poor old Manuel.

Time after time we have had comments from residents describing their experiences at the hands of the Highways England Team as pathetic, frustrating, jobsworth. The list goes on. The fact of the matter is; There is no detailed plan, There is no operator, There is no joined up thinking. We've all been along to the consultations and we've all come away angry. Moreover, we have all become angrier that still not one Shepway Councillor or Kent MP has supported us in opposing this ridiculous, knee jerk and monstrous scheme to obliterate 250 acres of good arable farmland, at the same time poisoning the land, air and watercourses.

On attending the Sellindge 'consultation' we were heartened to see that it was very well attended by residents but disappointed to learn, that once again, obfuscation was the order of the day from the HE Team. 

We initially spoke to a drainage expert, who introduced himself as Oliver from Peckham, South East London. We said that we would like to ask you a few questions about water and drainage on the site. He said, of course

First question: 'Do you know the level of the water table at the Stanford site? Reply: Hmm, I can get that information from...............
Second question: 'Can you show us on your plan the extent of the black and grey system of drainage'?Reply: 'What'. ....... We said, 'the black and grey system'. Reply: 'Ahh'. ... We said, 'the foul and waste'.  'Ah', he said, 'there is none on North side'. We said: 'You are joking'. 'No' he said, 'We are bringing in portaloo's for all the lorries on the North side of the motorway'. To be fair to Oliver, he did look quite smart and he kept smiling, but he was clearly out of his depth after obviously being given a drainage brief from his boss. The conversation went on in pretty much the same way for the next 20 minutes or so. 

We then asked the Air pollution expert, Paul,  about the siting of the 500 refrigerated lorries. 'Oh yes' he said, 'Next to the residents in Stanford on the East side'. We said, 'Do you think that's a good place to put 500 lorries pouring out exhaust fumes'? 'No' he said. Well, at least he was honest. We said 'Would you like to live in the house next to lorry park with your children'. At that point he looked alarmed. He didn't answer. We then said. 'At the first consultation, Mr. Paul Harwood said that power points would be available on site for all refrigerated lorries to plug into so as not to pollute the air with diesel emissions whilst keeping perishable goods cold or frozen'. Paul said, 'That's not possible'. We said. 'Mr. Harwood took that information along, together with the specification of it having a footprint of 150 acres (It's now 250 acres) to the Transport Select Committee for their consideration. Are you telling us that Mr Harwood lied'? Paul said nothing.  We left in absolute disgust. 

Thousands of residents across Shepway are dismayed and troubled at the lack of transparency here coupled with elements of deception. 
Residents bordering the proposed site are suffering depression and anxiety resulting in long term health implications. 

One thing is for sure; the fight isn't over yet. The excellent work being carried out centred around Stanford and outlying Villages is testament to the grit and resolve of the people of the area. We now hear that a new group is to be formed of local Parish Councils and Meetings to combat the 'divide and conquer' mentality of Shepway District Council. It is clear to us all that the feeling of camaraderie among us is incredibly high with new friendships being formed on a daily basis. S&DRA's position is clear:

We are standing by Stanford Parish Council and SOS Kent, shoulder to shoulder, and would encourage others a little further afield to do the same. We will very shortly be asking you all to help fund the legal challenge that is now inevitable to see off Highways England forever. We will also be reminding the people of Shepway where their loyalty should be directed on election day.

Please watch out for more post's on our site which will be coming thick and fast over the coming weeks.



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